* 自動酒精噴霧機於出入口供旅客使用
* 全體服務同仁與後勤單位皆配戴口罩
* 定時強化消毒各把手、電梯、電話等常用器具
* 所有人員進出飯店提供體溫測量
請大家隨時關心身體的變化;於飯店內如有身體不適情況,請立即通知櫃檯人員給予即時協助,衷心祝福大家心安、平安、健康 !
Charming City Hotel Makes You Peace of Mind and Peace
We aware of your anxiety and doubts about the new coronavirus in 2019,
Charming City Hotel has implemented the following epidemic prevention measures:
* Automatic alcohol sprayer for passengers at the entrance
* All service colleagues and logistics units wear masks
* Regularly strengthen disinfection of commonly used appliances such as handles, elevators, telephones, etc.
* All personnel enter and leave the hotel to provide temperature measurement
Please keep an eye on your physical changes at any time; if you are unwell in the hotel, please immediately notify the counter staff to provide immediate assistance, and sincerely wish everyone peace of mind, peace and health!
In order to cooperate with the government’s assistance in epidemic prevention and severe special infectious pneumonia, anyone who recently traveled to China had fever, abnormal body temperature, respiratory symptoms, headache, sore throat, sneezing, diarrhea, etc.
No admission!